Concord Yaralla Toastmasters is a friendly and welcoming club.
We meet @at 7.00pm on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Monday each month.
Check out our MEETING DATES page for a full meeting dates listing for 2024
At The Connection Rhodes - Meeting Room 1 & 2, 30 Shoreline Drive, Rhodes NSW 2138.
Guests always welcome (no charge), please arrive at 6.50pm for a 7.00pm start, we finish around 9.20pm to 9.30pm.
Keep updated, please like & follow at and
All our meeting updates, themes and events are posted on our Facebook and Instagram sites.
Toastmasters is a not-for-profit educational organisation, where members learn communication and leadership skills by practising public speaking and working with others in a warm, friendly, and supportive environment.
What sets our club apart is the good, genuine people that care so much about helping each other face their fear of public speaking. Our club members all have differing confidence, abilities, and public speaking skills. Our Club’s strength that we collectively work to help each other improve and hone our communication and listening skills.
Every toastmaster club is different, if you are looking to improve your presentation, communication, and public speaking skill, please come along as a guest to one of our meetings. You will see firsthand, the great warmth, diversity, support, and talent there is amongst our members.
We meet @at 7.00pm on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Monday each month.
Check out our MEETING DATES page for a full meeting dates listing for 2024
At The Connection Rhodes - Meeting Room 1 & 2, 30 Shoreline Drive, Rhodes NSW 2138.
Guests always welcome (no charge), please arrive at 6.50pm for a 7.00pm start, we finish around 9.20pm to 9.30pm.
Keep updated, please like & follow at and
All our meeting updates, themes and events are posted on our Facebook and Instagram sites.
Toastmasters is a not-for-profit educational organisation, where members learn communication and leadership skills by practising public speaking and working with others in a warm, friendly, and supportive environment.
What sets our club apart is the good, genuine people that care so much about helping each other face their fear of public speaking. Our club members all have differing confidence, abilities, and public speaking skills. Our Club’s strength that we collectively work to help each other improve and hone our communication and listening skills.
Every toastmaster club is different, if you are looking to improve your presentation, communication, and public speaking skill, please come along as a guest to one of our meetings. You will see firsthand, the great warmth, diversity, support, and talent there is amongst our members.
Attending as a guests
Guests are always welcome to attend, (no charge) any of our regular meetings, there is no need to RSVP. Please feel free to attend up to four of our meetings as our guest. When you arrive, one of our club members will greet you and give you a copy of the agenda for the evening, and answer any questions you may have. Our Toastmaster for the evening will introduce themselves to you before the start of the meeting. You are welcome to just sit back and observe our meetings. If you are keen and/or willing, the Toastmaster may ask you to read our ‘Welcome to Country’ or our “Club Mission” at the start of our meeting. During the meeting, if you feel comfortable, you may be asked to briefly introduce yourself. You may also like to participate in our “TableTopics” impromptu speech section of the meeting. What to expect at one of our club meetings. Concord Yaralla Toastmasters meetings are chaired by a member who is the ‘Toastmaster’ for the evening. Members participate by taking on different roles during the meeting. The first hour of the meeting usually sees members presenting ‘prepared speeches/presentations’ (2 to 4 speeches per meeting, each between 5 to 7 minutes). We usually have a 10 minute break for a cuppa and chat (tea/coffee etc supplied). During the second half of our meeting, we have "TableTopics" where we practice giving a short (1 to 2 minute) impromptu speech. The “TableTopics Master” will ask each participant a question based on the evening's theme. Every speech and the meeting as a whole is evaluated, with a strong focus on giving positive and constructive feedback to help members improve their presentations. Our club members Every Toastmasters club is slightly different. At Concord Yaralla, everyone, no matter their level and confidence in public speaking or background is always made most welcome. Our club members come from diverse and varied backgrounds, from fourth generation Australians to recent immigrants. We have members who have only recently joined through to very experienced Toastmasters who have been members of various clubs for over 35 years. |
Ready to join our club? We hope you enjoy attending our club meetings as a guest and will want to join us. At any of our meetings, just talk to any member, they will get you a membership form. Toastmasters - supportive club and great resources. The secret of Toastmasters is our 3-pronged approach of education, opportunity, and feedback. The opportunity to speak and the feedback happens during our meetings. The education component is found in our pathways education programs available to all members. You can choose your pathway based on your interests and area you wish to improve on, they all have a mix of workplace and public presentations/speaking components. Our club also undertakes regular educational training sessions led by experienced club members. These may be during one of our regular club meetings, or via Zoom. Concord Yaralla Toastmasters (formerly Yaralla Toastmasters) has been operating since 1991. During that time it has assisted hundreds of Toastmasters to achieve their individual goals in verbal communication, presentation skills and Leadership experience. We are also an extremely diverse club with members of all different ages, professional and cultural backgrounds, including several members who have english as a second language. When you are at our Club you are in a safe place with great encouragement and support in a meeting environment where everyone wants to see you succeed. Our Memebrs come from all areas including North Strathfield, NSW, Australia · Concord West, NSW, Australia · Strathfield, NSW, Australia · Liberty Grove, NSW, Australia · Sydney Olympic Park, NSW, Australia · Meadowbank, NSW, Australia · Putney, NSW, Australia · Rhodes, NSW, Australia · Wentworth Point, NSW, Australia |
Concord Yaralla Toastmasters @ Rhodes
Meeting Venue The Connection Rhodes 30 Shoreline Drive, Rhodes NSW 2138 Meeting Dates: 1st, 3rd & 5th Monday of every month. Meeting Time: 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start. Contact Us via Email: [email protected] Phone: Club President Cheng on Mobile 0431 033 744. |